Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Last night (7/7/09)

Last night we went to the strip clubs and took gift bags to the ladies. Each bag contained a gift (facial cleansing cloths or makeup remover cloths -- hey, it was a practical gift this time), an invitation to church, encouraging scripture, and chocolate candy. It was an interesting night...
  • Jennifer is 27 and has been dancing 10 years. She has 3 kids with the youngest being 7 months old. She wants out but feels trapped. Jennifer married young and later her husband died causing her to feel more trapped. She wants to go to nursing school and teared up as she explained why she wanted to be a nurse. Jennifer has a lot of compassion that would be useful in nursing homes -- where she wants to work.
  • We met a woman who is 47 years old who has been dancing for 22 years. She still dances but not on the main stage.
  • Jessica wants to find a better life for her and her daughter. She became teary as she talked. Her boyfriend/husband is in Afghanistan and is expected back soon.
  • Jessica, a cashier, wants out of the industry.
  • Rosa asked for prayer.
  • Misty, a waitress, has a job interview in 2 days for a secretarial position. If she gets the job, she won't have to work nights, will have benefits for her and her daughter, and will be able to get her own place to live.
  • Mr. Friendly was off. The manager on duty talked for a long time to my mom and told her how much he appreciates what we're doing. He said the girls have horrible backgrounds and that's why they do what they do. The manager said the girls look forward to us coming in.
  • Several girls mentioned Joel Osteen again and how much they like his preaching and how he makes it where they can understand. One lady showed us his new book which is translated in to Korean so she's able to fully understand. Joel, like I've said before, you have a following in the strip clubs and modeling studios in Houston.
  • We prayed for two ladies in a modeling studio who want "a better life". They kept talking about Joel Osteen. I told them if they want to go to Lakewood, to call me. We will pick them up and go with them. Their eyes lit up. Maybe they will call.
  • Lisa asked for prayer for her son, Colby, who is 18. He is having a pulmonary valve replacement on 7/22. She said she works as a hospice nurse during the week.
  • L'amor will finish cosmetology school at the end of this year.
  • Precious completed beauty school but needs to get recertified.
  • Millie was recently accepted in to beauty school. All 3 girls want out of this business.
  • LaRhonda has been working for 5 months and wants out.
  • Alexander, the son of one of the girls, is getting ear tubes put in soon. The mother is concerned because he will be under anesthesia. Kellie's son had the same procedure so she was able to talk with the girl about her fears, etc. There are also issues with Alexander's father over payment for the medical procedure.
  • An owner told me how much he appreciates what we're doing.

We had a lot of conversations last night.

When you think about it, please say a prayer for these girls. Misty has been on my heart and mind since I met her a few months ago. I'm thrilled she's trying to get out and told her if this job opportunity doesn't work out, to call me because I know a recruiter who will help her.

Thanks for your prayers, support and encouragement. We're a team and couldn't do this without you.

Piercing the Darkness,

Drenda and the PTD team


Drenda Thomas Richards said...

I was reminded when we prayed for the ladies at the studio last night, their dog and my dog were in the middle of us. Both dogs behaved appropriately. All God's creatures...

L.A. Loehr said...

Drenda - I'm truly appreciating your beacon of light and respect for all - you teach by example.

Unknown said...

Drenda, I need your prayers. I found out this week my daughter (26) is dancing. It broke my heart. I got down on my face before the LORD and weeped. She has been in the business for sometime starting as a waitress then bartender and now dancing. She has a husband & 3 children. What angrers me is that her husband visits the place to play poker while she dances. I just don't understand. I know she wants out but she says there's good money to be had. pray for her please. ennis (you know me)