Thursday, August 26, 2010

Expo - Last Day (8/25/10)

If today had been the first day, I would have been disappointed, disillusioned, and distressed because it seemed like forever before someone stopped by to pick up a bag. But once people started coming by, it was good. Again, we had more in-depth conversations with men than women. The one question that almost everyone asked was "what if the girls don't want out, what then?". Our answer surprised and pleased them:

A man stopped by and said, "Are you for us or against us?"
Me: Huh? I don't know who you are.
Man: I'm a club owner. Are you for us or against us?
Me: We are for the girls, and we have great relationships with club owners and managers.
Man: I have a problem with right wing evangelicals.
Me: I do, too. Not with all of them but with some of them.
Man: Answer me one question: if a girl doesn't want out, what do you do? will you still help her?
Me: Absolutely! It happens all the time. We love them no matter what.
The man stuck out his hand to shake mine and said, "You're one of the good guys. Keep it up."

A young man with pink hair on one side of his head and a darker-pink goatee stopped by our booth. We saw him yesterday, but he never stopped by or seemed to acknowledge us. He said he was in a band, and he and his 2 buddies who are in the band with him got in to a discussion about religious people. The buddies told him no religious people would ever be in a place like the Expo. He was at our booth asking for a card to prove to them that religious people would be there. This young man was the most polite and respectful guy. We gave him 3 bags and 3 CDs -- 1 for him and 2 for his buddies.

We gave out 200 CDs and over 300 cosmetic bags with our card, a card introducing Jackie Key's CD, and chocolate candy. As Tammy said, "God probably created chocolate just for outreach because it seems to be the thing that draws everyone." Most of the girls were touched by the message on the bag "You are loved."

The other thing that seemed to impress everyone was our logo. It always brought smiles. People would take pictures of it whether they talked to us or not. Some took pictures on the sly thinking we didn't see them. It was pretty funny. Several asked for posters, bumper stickers and t-shirts with our logo. We will begin working on more products with the logo.

I didn't know what to expect when we came here -- whether or not we would be accepted, would anyone talk to us, would it be a bust -- but I knew we were supposed to be here. God didn't let us down. He definitely showed up in a place where most people wouldn't expect Him to be. I'm glad God doesn't like to be kept in a box.

Thanks to all who gave and prayed. This definitely was a team effort.

Show over. Going home.

1 comment:

Niki said...

I want to be part of your team next year. I am so proud to have a friend like you, and I'm thankful for your courage and love. Way to go Drenda and team! :)